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Curran Technologies

Integricote CEO featured on the front page of Houston Chronicle Business Journal

We are proud to share that Integricote CEO, Prof. Shay Curran, was featured on the front page of Houston Chronicle Business Journal published today. In this article, he shares his 27 years long experience of doing basic science to the establishment of startup company based off self-cleaning coating for solar panels in 2009 (C-Voltaics, Inc. ), and then a successful operation of fully-cultivated nanotechnology company that manufactures water-resistant sealers/stains for wood, masonry, and concrete (Integricote, Inc.).

In these 27 years, he published more than 100 peer-reviewed journals, 31 issued and pending US patents, 40 international patents, and received many academic and entrepreneurship awards. He has recently been named a fellow of National Academy of Inventors (NAI) in recognition of his outstanding contribution in the field of nanotechnology.

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Photo Courtesy: Yi-Chin Lee, Houston Chronicle / Staff Photographer

Congratulations, Prof. Curran!

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